How does the AQwaVit® Water Vitaliser work?
The memory of water
Water has a memory and contains energetic information. Dr. Masaru Emoto showed with his photography of water crystals how the structure of water reacts to both positive and negative influences. Energetic pollution leaves traces in the water that are detrimental for the user. The AQwaVit® Water Vitaliser removes old energetic imprints from the water and vitalizes it. The vitalized water promotes health, tranquillity and harmony.

Vitalizing and informing water
The AQwaVit® Water Vitaliser consists of a power supply, a control unit and an induction unit. The control unit generates a specific low-frequency electromagnetic signal. When the induction unit is placed on the water pipe, it turns this signal into an electromagnetic field that is induced into the water. Through this field the tension on and in between the water molecules increases, so that the molecules restructure themselves. Their cluster structure breaks off and the old energetic information evaporates. The water is vitalized.
At the same time, energetic codes (information and vibration) that stimulate the self-healing power of humans, animals and plants are added to the water.